Best HR practices to follow

Mirror Review Magazine
3 min readJul 1, 2021

Managing human resources in the best possible way is very important if you want to make sure you achieve the success you want. The practices followed by the HR team should be well designed and planned that will help the employees as well as the objectives of the company.

Here are few Best HR practices that you can use for your organization:

  • Security for employees:

Life is very unpredictable. Taking care of your employees and their family is your responsibility. Showing care towards them plays a very vital role for any organization. It helps in making sure you create a strong and trustworthy relationship with them.

This is one of the major reasons why people join jobs as they want to make sure that they and their families are doing well. Securing a family’s present and future is the most important thing for any human being. You helping them do it makes them work happily for your company with a good image of you and your company giving their best performance.

Employment security is the most important part of this practice, a formal contract between the employee and employer gives comfort and relief to the employee that they are here and they won’t lose their employment all of a sudden. It’s a stress-free zone for them.

  • Fair compensation and rewards:

It is important to make sure you are compensating every employee as per their work and performance along with their position. If the compensation is unfair and biased, retention of employees becomes a difficult task, and unable to retain your employees is eventually going to lead to lots of problems for the business.

You also need to couple it with performance-based rewards which are very important to make sure the employees feel satisfied with putting so much effort into the work and giving the best results. This makes them motivated to work harder eventually improving the output of the organization.

  • Treating everyone equally:

No matter what is someone’s position in the company or how much is one’s qualification, every single employee must be treated with the same respect and given equal importance. Showing someone that they are not as important as any other employee is not going to be a good thing for any organization.

This is a Japanese management practice which the organizations there follow and is proven to a great practice for any organization. This shows that everyone’s views and ideas are respected at the same level no matter what their position is. It helps in creating an open and comfortable environment in the organization helping in moving towards an ideal workplace for your employees.

  • Easy access to information:

Giving easy access to information to whoever needs it is as important as anything else. Employees should not have to put all of the efforts into accessing the information itself, this lowers their morale and makes them feel dissatisfied which will eventually trouble the company’s performance.

It is important to share information as the employees will come up with good ideas and better plans if they have all the necessary information right from the start. The attitude of employees towards work remains great when they don’t need to struggle to get the necessary information.

These are a few of the Best HR practices which you can apply in your organization for getting the best out of your employees as well as providing them with the best.



Mirror Review Magazine

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